Lind Media stands apart from other outdoor operators in several ways.
Accurate Audience Measurement: Lind provides both official ODOT traffic counts and Daily Effective Circulation (DEC) based on the same findings.
Billboard Structures, Posting and Operations: Lind 30-sheet and 8-sheet poster panels are over 30% larger than those of our primary competitor. Lind uses state-of-the-art 100 watt led light fixtures that provide an unequaled illumination quality. Lind billposters and installers are dedicated to placing, building, and maintaining highly visible and aesthetically pleasing billboard structures. Vegetation control, illumination, posting and cosmetic standards are continually monitored to assure that Lind billboards are the best maintained in every market.
Creative and Production: The Lind production department is highly skilled in creating strong and effective outdoor advertising content. Lind Creative Teams meet several times each week to discuss and brainstorm billboard advertising concepts. Our highly organized design personnel have the resources and ability to quickly turn concept into finished design. Lind creates advertising that is highly effective for billboards yet tailored to individual client needs. The Lind production department is widely regarded throughout the Outdoor industry for its professionalism and innovation.
Sales and Account Service: Lind Account Executives do not just “sell” billboard space. They provide a bridge to take organizations to the next level of growth and awareness. Lind AE’s work to understand your industry and your objectives in order to deliver unequalled advertising results. Our mission from beginning to end is to deliver an excellent return on investment.
Administration: The Lind Administrative staff provides consistent, timely and accurate service to our advertisers. Booking, charting, routing, billing and proof of performance are done on time and mistake free. An easy going Midwestern friendliness and a willingness to go above and beyond your expectations bring ease of use to our clients while utilizing the unparalleled medium of billboard advertising.
Commitment to Community: Lind Outdoor is locally owned. Your advertising dollars work for you while staying in North Central Ohio. Lind associates are highly active and visible in the civic and volunteer organizations of our communities. Further, through the Lind Cares! Program we offer discounted outdoor advertising to eligible non- profit community service, educational, political, and religious organizations.
Real Estate and Location Development: Lind billboards are placed to deliver maximum visibility on critical arteries. Lind billboard locations are developed with much forethought regarding audience exposure and retention. Expertise in location acquisition, permitting and development is perhaps the hallmark of Lind Outdoor.
Value: Lind billboards and personnel deliver consistent, proven results that provide the most effective and economical market penetration possible. Lind Outdoor provides an important and unequalled asset to advertisers and the communities that we serve.