Ohio is divided into 12 different Media Markets.
Most Ohio counties are located within one of the four major media markets, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati or Toledo. Major television, print, internet and radio outlets from these market cores along with the other 8 DMAs take a large share of local market audience greatly fragmenting the Ohio media landscape.
Traditional and New Media continue to battle for a shrinking audience.
Television, radio, cable, directory, newspaper, magazines and direct mail are in a battle for survival. Web Media, Mobile Smartphones, Satellite Radio, Direct TV, DVDs, CDs, Gaming and more have provided the consumer with unlimited media options that have made old-line media sources less relevant.
One mass medium remains. Billboards reach all consumers, all demographics all of the time.
Billboard viewership continues to grow along with traffic on our roadways. The Outdoor industry is heavily regulated, preventing “ad-creep” and “clutter” that is occurring within other media.
Outdoor has the largest audience of any Medium.
Well-placed Billboards along with great creative deliver unequaled market dominance and return-on-investment.